The Academy for Adolescent Health

Our Mission:


The Academy for Adolescent Health Teen Outreach envisions a community in which young people are respected and able to enjoy mental and physical wellness.

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Our Mission

The Academy for Adolescent Health Teen Outreach envisions a community in which young people are respected and able to enjoy mental and physical wellness. To achieve that goal, the Teen Outreach:

1. Serves as an advocate for youth, parents professionals and community members to encourage wellness.

2. Provides innovative, youth-focused education that empowers young people to reduce risk.

3. Respects the unique cultural and developmental needs of each young person.

4. Models evidence-based programs that are evaluated for behavioral outcomes.


Our Programs

The Academy for Adolescent Health, Inc. provides evidence-based programs that are teen/youth driven and tested, interactive, and culturally current. Cutting edge topics like sexting and the implications of social networking are addressed.


Sample Programs Include:


Inside Out: Your Body is Amazing Inside and Out and Belongs Only to You is an innovative approach to child abuse prevention that is body-positive, affirming, and empowering. Replacing programs that place the burden on prevention on the child, the diverse children in this interactive coloring book teach seven “big” lessons to their peers.

me too

Me TooTM: Real Talk about Sexuality for People of ALL Abilities. Me Too2 focuses on young people, from middle to high school level. It’s possible to use this manual without the original Me TooTM, but over 45 learning activities in the first manual are referenced in this one. While Me Too2 may be useful as a stand alone resource (there are 22 new activities in Me Too2), I need to share its intent.

real talk for real teens

Real Talk for Real Teens #Communicate is an innovative resource for adults seeking to connect with young people. The 60 illustrations (created by Alice Burroughs) and scenarios in this book are meant to inspire conversation, encourage connection, and empower adults with the skills they need to really reach young people.


About Dr. Mary Jo

Mary Jo is the founder and president of the Academy. A nurse/educator/counselor by profession, she considers parenting her kids to be her first and most important career.The mission of AAH - to reach out to kids, one kid at a time, is her passion and great joy in life.

Learn more about Dr. Mary Jo here!